Last two, got my leak down and compression tool today.

I texted with the guy that drove the car and did the tuning on it last night…
He said it ran fine for them and he put 8 passes on it and he can’t believe anything is hurt.
He said the car did set for a year or so after it was freshened but he read plugs every pass while dialIng in the nitrous just
Before I picked it up.
He also said:
“May not even have seals in it”
“A lot of builders do not put them on race engines.”

He went on to say “make sure your valves are closed on the cylinder your testing.
I try to have the piston toward the top to. Run your psi up to 100 and if you have 80 on the other gauge you have 20% leak down etc. You’ll probably have to have some one hold the engine from turning with a breaker bar.

I would welcome input on these comments to all of this, I’ll be updating with leak down
