Try and due a multi island trip up scope
I took my wife on a surprise 3 island 7 day trip on our 20th wedding anniversary, started on Ohua (SP) two days and then to Maui for two days and ended up on Kaui for the remainder and return to Ohua( SP?) for the return trip to L.A. on the last afternoon up
We went back in 2007 for our Sons second wedding , it was on Maui and we stayed in the same resort that we had stayed in in 1985,lots of changes to that island whiney shruggy
We had drove around the south half of Maui on the first trip to see Charles Lindberg grave in Hana and managed to make the trip around the north half on the second trip realcrazy Not for the faint of heart, my wife wouldn't let me drive on the second trip devil stirthepot

Mr.Cab Racing and winning with Mopars since 1964. (Old F--t, Huh)