I'd go somewhere warm and mostly dry if it's a winter (for us) vacation. Getting out of the country allows you to see some amazing things, see how other people live, and in some ways develop a greater appreciation of our own country.

Costa Rica is nice, you get rainforest and beach. Go during the dry season (starts mid-November). Lots of websites showing you what to do there. It may or may not appeal to you. Same with Brazil.

November is also a great time to visit SE Asia. Thailand, Cambodia, Viet Nam are all very interesting and so different from anywhere in the U.S. Our country is but a few hundred years old - it's cool to see things that were built in the 12th century, for example (Cambodia, Morocco, etc., have amazing ancient areas). The Roman Coliseum was amazing. (I don't recommend Italy in the winter).

That said, I'd go to Argentina. Buenos Aires with a side trip to Mendoza. Make use of guides and tours.

That's me, though. Figure out what you and your wife like to do - maybe try something new and different? As long as the appeal is there, picking a place should be straightforward. I love the US, have traveled it extensively, but would take a wintertime trip to the Southern Hemisphere. Good luck and have fun!

Trying to enjoy life!