Big Island. Start looking to book now, and go in December-February. This is high season though, and lots of hotels and rentals will be more expensive. But, you'll be in Hawaii in winter! It's a HUGE island; you'll need a rental vehicle. Jeep or convertible is best. If you're lucky, Mauna Kea will have a big snow while you're there, and you can go to the beach, then go up the mountain and ski and hike in snow, then bring snow back down to the beach. Lots of Humpback and other whales in the area at this time, and definitely recommend going out on a boat ride. Lots of different kinds of beaches to visit. Cliff jump at South Point. Fish. Pig hunt. Do a day trip to Oahu and visit Pearl. We can't wait to visit again. And there ARE some Mopars on the islands.