Originally Posted by JMCFAN
Originally Posted by TJP
Originally Posted by JMCFAN
Originally Posted by Sniper
just remember that the ammeter is the feed for everything electrical in the car, so disconnecting this connector may not be as useful as it could be.

Well after going through the starter relay and starter it appears its the ammeter feed.... no need to dissect that.... jeeez

I am a bit puzzled, the Ammeter feed just supplies the current to whatever is causing the draw. confused shruggy beer

Yup... I have been through the 3 firewall connectors.....and isolated to that one lead... now I need to figure out where to go from here.....

Seems the issue is something that doesn't go back thru the firewall, so it's inside the pass compartment or maybe the trunk. Years ago I had a problem with my battery draining over night, Eventually, I found out that when I replaced the trunk lid weatherstripping it was now thick enough that the trunk light stayed on. No idea what kind of current draw that light pulled, doubt it was anywhere near what you are seeing, but pull the bulb and see.