I can tell you one thing, last month when I did a transport to Alabama with my 2015 Ram 4x4 regular cab and 24' enclosed trailer I would NOT have been able to complete the transport without FOUR WHEEL DRIVE! I can't tell you how many 2wd trucks I saw in the ditches when they got 4" of snow, then and inch of ice, then another 4" of snow on top of it! They have ZERO snow removal equipment and there was nothing than a couple of 2-track ruts in all the roads! eek Most of the weenies here would have turned around or stopped for the night, my 4wd truck got me through just fine. One road was closed where there was a long hill and every single car and truck that went down that hill wiped out and hit each other. The cops had the road closed and there was a 20' median where I turned around to the other 2 lane road and took another route... up

The funny thing about science is that if you change one miniscule parameter you change the entire outcome to the way you want it.

JB Rhinehart, Realist

A-Body's RULE!