I'm down between Houston and Galveston. No single digits predicted here, but, I think for the first time ever, a wind chill advisory has been issued. eek

The biggest problem for our area is that they simply don't have the equipment to deal with this kind of weather and conditions. There's a LOT of bridges and overpasses in the Houston area, and only a handful of trucks to prep them.

Saw on the news this morning where a group of cars got stuck on an overpass for over 3 hrs waiting for help. The thing I didn't get was that they were on the downward side. I think I would have tried a slow creep before sitting that long. (I base my viewpoint on me being from the East and having driven in these conditions).

I filled the tanks in the cars, and did my shopping, so I'm good for several days. Just gonna stay hunkered down, and occasionally go out on the porch and listen to cars collide off in the distance..... .....

Be safe everyone.



The dream is dead, long live the dream.......😥