Originally Posted by 3hundred
Originally Posted by RobG
Whomever got hit by the FedEx truck just hit the lottery.

Knowing the road conditions and driving at a safe speed...what's so hard about doing that? If you are not sure about your driving skills, or your vehicle is not built/equipped for those conditions - get off the road.

Rob, as a native Michigander, former Wisconsinite, Utahan and Ohioan, you don't know what you're talking about. It's different here. West Texas and the panhandle are more similar to what you're used to.

I have relatives in San Antonio and Houston. Folks down there can't drive in the rain. The TV and Radio news outlets were warning folks about the threat of ice for hours leading up to this crash. Poor choices. I feel bad for those who died. It could have been avoided.

I am not rich...but I get off my ass everyday to make sure I am not broke!

Can we get the Mexican cartels to help us with our supply chain issues? They don't seem to have any trouble getting stuff from one place to another.