Hey man, I'm sorry an honest question got turned into a political affair. Tis the season I suppose.

Anyway, you said this neighbor is new. Have any interactions with him before? I moved into a house in a sub and within a week I had the city called on me without warning. Neighbor to the left of us, someone whom we had never even talked to took issue with the way we positioned the new downspouts. This neighbor was in the right, and I would have happily moved them once it was brought to m attention. Instead I got a visit by code enforcement. Soured our relations for some time after that. She was an older lady and I encountered her that winter trying to shovel her way out of the driveway after the plow came through. I'm not that big of a vindictive dick, so I walked over with my blower and cleared it for her. Things improved after that.

I guess I'm saying stake your concern, but do so in a non-confrontational way. This could have a huge impact on how relations go from here on out. Only escalate legally with code enforcement if you absolutely have to. Your concerns to a reasonable, empathetic human being are valid.

1987 Fifth Avenue - 512/518/D60