I'm glad to see so many forum members provided feedback. I called the Health Department and they said that since the burning is contained, a resident can burn in their pits. So my only option is to talk to my neighbor and have a civil discussion about the burning. I have attached a link to the Health Departments website: https://jcdh.org/SitePages/Programs...tionProtectionDivision/OpenBurning.aspx. By the way, our air quality is not good: https://www.jccal.org/Default.asp?ID=1071&pg=Air+Quality

I live in a subdivision that is not rural. Our lots average about 1/2 acre. I agree that everyone should be able to enjoy their backyard. But what if a resident's behavior harms their neighbors? As I said in my original post, what about the possibility of the surrounding neighbors having health issues. Should the kids a couple of doors down be able to play in clean air? What if one of them has asthma? What if an older couple wants to sit on their back deck to enjoy the night air? Also, this is a good time of the year to open the windows to let in a little fresh air. Last night I was 5 houses down from my neighbors house when I starting smelling smoke. So the smoke traveled a good distance.

Odd, that no one addressed the last part of my post about health concerns.

And of course my post turns political. "I Know who you are voting for." No you don't. I voted for Trump in 2016. Not this time around. And I will not vote for Biden. The Dems are way to far to the left for me. So this will be the first time in my life that I will not cast a vote for a presidential candidate. For me, there is no lesser of two evils in this election.

Lesson learned: I need to limit my posts to automotive subject matter only.

Last edited by David1971; 09/30/20 06:35 PM.