Originally Posted by David1971
And of course my post turns political. "I Know who you are voting for." No you don't. I voted for Trump in 2016. Not this time around. And I will not vote for Biden. The Dems are way to far to the left for me. So this will be the first time in my life that I will not cast a vote for a presidential candidate. For me, there is no lesser of two evils in this election.

Lesson learned: I need to limit my posts to automotive subject matter only.

Don't take it (^^^) so seriously. A very good friend of mine is "that guy" you're talking about. (yeah, I would would not do that, but...) BTW, I have a drug dealer cattycorner across the street from me. That house has been raided twice in the past year, and the tenants charged, yet the show goes on (just more subtly). You want to trade neighbors???