Originally Posted by 69dart
I would probably call viking support since every shock and setup seems different.

My experience I wouldn't be afraid to try 3 clicks from full soft up front. It was HOT around here this weekend so if the track is HOT you need every ounce of travel you can find.

Unless its wheelstanding to out of control its not to loose.

On the rear HOT and greasy again means soften compression. When the track gets better you can add some clicks and stiffen.

On the rear the extension can be set somewhere in the middle to start > if the tire is getting crushed add > if spinning soften.

How stiff is the rear of the car? Can you push it down fairly easy?

(Not aimed at anyone here) - Its disappointing how many folks buy expensive shocks then set their cars up like hardtails and complain that the track is junk.

I think the rear of the car seems stiff. Meaning try and lean into it and bounce it and it doesn’t much.
It’s funny you ask because I was sitting in the staging lanes and a guy in a Torino kept walking up to his car and bouncing the rear and it seemed really easy like very soft . So I tried mine when I got back in the pits but not so much.

Last edited by Wirenut; 08/27/20 05:43 AM.