Dave the car will probably go together and apart a few times before your done, that's just the way it works

"YOU" have to deiced if you want to do the hidden hinges(do the extra work) and then you have to figure out if you want them to open regular or suicide.

now when I go with suicide doors I like to make the window go down and reach inside to open the door, I dont like to have poppers on suicide doors because you could have a real mess if the door were activated while driving

and I always make sure befor I put the car in gear that I have the doors locked.

you can get a keyfob setup that will alloy you to put the window down and you can open the door only from the inside, that way you could always get out even if you had a dead battery. you also will need to have a way to get power to the battery(lugs like on a race car under the car someplace)
so if you have a dead battery you could still get the car jumped and get the windows down. to get to the battery...

I hope that was not confusing,I know what I was saying just not sure it reads right

and If you were to move the headlights down and do the work to the side panels maybe you could cut out the stock area and replace it with the chrysler fire power or some louvers just a thought but then you will be making new side panels(more work) it all depends on what your final goal is.

AIN'T THIS FUN!!!!!!! you can do whatever you want Ron...