With the headlights and trim pieces, can you remove the trim pieces on the hood sides and replace them with your fire power valve cover cut outs? Then you could loose the trim on the bottom of the headlight stands and move them closerto the grill and as low as you can. That panel below the hood that the trim pieces are in can be removed from the car (at least my 39's did) and allow heat to exit from under the hood, which isn't a bad idea on long trips. After a couple of hours driving, the heat from under the hood started warming the inside of my 39 up. Granted, better insolation and ac would have probably helped....

Also, the 35-37 mounted the headlights on the fenders, and a 37 is the same body as the 38 (though different front fenders). Maybe you could rotate your headlights 90 degrees off the grill shell to the fenders and solve the high up look? Gene