
The stock guage cluster has a space for two 5 inch gauses. Just happend to have two thta are going in other cars for reference. Need to find a bezel if they made a stock one, looks like on fit into this section???? Ron what ya think, can I find one or make one?


You can make one easily. I'd try to up the dificulty by incorporating the ribs that are one each side.
For the edge, get some brake line, bend it to fit, then trim off the back quarter so it fits flush.

You could do engine turned, Carbon Fiber, Chrome, Leather, or something I've seen on a few lately, the cool stuff they use for guitar pick guards.

I'd suggest making it not too shiny though. Seems that when driving east in the afternoon or other times, a reflective surface can be really annoying. You might also want to check the gauges with front and rear glass in at night. Just like older trucks, you can get the reflection off the back glass into the windshield if all the angles line up...