Who cares about all the stamping numbers? in the real world they mean nothing. 2 ways to go. Add the cam and hope for the best, or. Measure and then decide what'll fly and what won't. To me the bore finish doesn't look that great. I'd bet at a minimum it needs a timing chain, maybe bearings and valve springs. Very probable; guides and valve work. And if we're getting picky bore, hone, pistons, rings, rod rebuild crank turn, balance. Now will it run without? Yes. Will it make max power? No. Will it blow up? Maybe. Here's where someone with a LOT of experience can take a look and give a guess. And that all it is, a guess. You can clean it up and add a cam, springs, timing chain, valve springs. If it fails, the cost outlay is minimal. Or you can spend and it will be better. How much better? Depends how bad the current stuff is.