"What was going on over there?" I asked Boone, after he came back outside from eating spaghetti.
"They just couldn't get it lined up with the engine...those 73 Chargers are such a pain to work on, but I managed to wiggle it up on the dowel pin and get a couple bolts pulled up, so they should be able to finish it."
"Speaking of transmissions, what was the deal with the one in Michelle's Duster? I saw on Facebook they had to pull it back out."
"Yeah, it ended being a bad pump half, allowing fluid to bleed past and pressurize the front drum, so it was applied all the time." He shook his head, "I need more cores...I'm just running out of decent hard parts".
"Then there was a picture that looked like she did a burnout in the garage, and cracked the front bumper!"
Boone shook his head, ran his fingers through his hair and sighed, "Dave, don't get me started on those kids...they want advice, they act like they want to learn, but they just won't listen!"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, the first time they were ready to try out the 727, I told them to put it up on jack stands, and run it through all the gears to make sure it was applying them before they put a load on it."
"Yeah, pretty standard procedure", I agreed.
"Then you seen the video where she was driving it through the back yard at like twenty mph?"
"On Facebook, yes I saw that."
"That was the trans test when they realized it was pulling forward all the time and would lock up in reverse", he shook his head again. "When I asked why they didn't test it the way I told them to, they said they couldn't tell if it was shifting or not, but I think they never had the back tires off the ground."
"How hard is it to jack the car up and put it on four jack stands", I shrugged
"It's like they are allergic to jack stands, or only own two", Boone surmised. "I went over with another valve body to try, and they had the front on stands, and the jack under the rear end with the tires barely off the ground, and I guarantee you it was that way when the throttle hung open and shoved it into their toolbox on the second test!"
"Wow, why'd the throttle hang?"
"Something with the way Will had the linkage installed, I'm just glad none of them were standing in front of the car, or under it!"
"So everything works now?"
"I think they took it out for a short cruise today, and so far so good."

I had unloaded most of the stuff that was in the Valiant, and the Truck, but it was pretty dark outside by this point in the evening, and my four hours of sleep the previous night was used up.
"What have you got left, Boone?"
"Honestly, I don't feel like fumbling around in the dark. You want to call it a night, and try to hit it again early in the morning?"
"My thoughts exactly", I agreed quickly before he changed his mind.


"Livin' in a powder keg and givin' off sparks" 4 Street cars, 5 Race engines