the problem is is I was never involved with the build until I offered to come over for the breakin which locked up within 4 minutes. I barely knew the guy & we had only spoken on the ph several times prior (way way back) about cam & some parts selections. I offered to do it for him this time as he is turning out to be a nice guy & whatever the cause it was a horrendous deal (& I feel for him) but he says he is having shop do it (same shop I'm thinking but not sure), I'm assuming they are gonna make it right). I will get all the details as I get em & I want to go up there & have a look see sometime (& take some pics) which he did & is going to send to me. He has a real demanding work schedule (I ain't never spoken with anyone who got on "salary" who was not full of complaints about it). I will note all Q's you guys have posted & get back to you when I have something.

live every 24 hour block of time like it's your last day on earth