Hopefully the guy was smart enough to pull the plugs.

This thread has been one long, drawn out, speculation fest ... there could be a number of reason it locked up ....
(1) I originally thought he tried to turn it later on that evening & I was long gone or maybe he said the next day (I've kinda got lost in the details myself). (2) yes it has drawn out & I have felt the love & you have even contributed to that (2 posts!), much appreciated! (2B) on the cause, I'm thinking pistons/rings or bearings but that is an edumacated guess & there are several more potentials for sure & all have been mentioned!. when I know I will post the same day & it will be anticlimactic for sure. Likely I wont be there when he discovers it but I'm sure I will be involved in the fixing

live every 24 hour block of time like it's your last day on earth