think you would get in trouble just my guess but i'm a newbie also
Cut and paste from the rules

•Drag Week competitors may borrow or buy parts, tools, supplies, or fuel from each other and may help each
other with manpower only on an impromptu basis.
•Vehicles entered with the obvious intent of supporting another competitor with parts, tools, supplies, fuel, or
manpower subject both entries to disqualification at the race director’s discretion. It is not our intent to keep
friends from helping friends but to prevent entries from acting as support vehicles for other competitors.
•If an entry receives regular, daily assistance from any person who is not a registered passenger in that entry’s
car, that person is considered illegal support.
•If an entry uses parts, tools, supplies, or fuel from another competitor or another non-competition vehicle on a
daily basis, that is considered illegal support.
•Helpers may not lead or follow in separate vehicles.
•Ordering parts and having them delivered during Drag Week to fix unforeseen problems is allowed.

•Vehicles in competition may not be led or followed at any distance by support vehicles of any kind. A support
vehicle is one used to supply, or with the intent of supplying, any rescue efforts or to carry anything for a
competitor, including luggage, tools, fuel, repair parts or spares, and helpers or crew. Support vehicles towing
just-in-case trailers are not allowed.
•Racers may not be followed by motorhomes for overnight accommodations.
•All vehicles must be driven under their own power during the entire Drag Week competition and may not be
towed, trailered, pushed, or hauled at any time. The exception is in the event of an emergency in which a
vehicle needs to be removed from the roadway or other dangerous situation, in which case assistance may be
used to move the car a short distance to a safe area, for example, to the next highway exit.
•A Drag Week phone number will be supplied to participants. If an entrant wishes to forfeit the competition by
loading the vehicle on a trailer or otherwise enlisting an illegal support vehicle, the number must be called to
immediately notify the staff of the forfeiture.
•Violation of the support-vehicle and crew rules is cause for immediate disqualification at the race director’s

Last edited by Dart451; 03/24/17 02:58 PM.