Getting registered will be the first hurtle. The registration process can be frustrating, so try not to get discouraged. At some point Hot Rod will announce when registration will begin and they will list the info you will need to register, it's not too involved. My advice is to have it all written out ahead of time so you have it right at hand. Getting the actual link Hot Rod provides to work can be an issue for some people ( myself included ), sometimes having a second device ready will help, like a computer and smart phone for example, if one doesn't work try the other. If you don't get registered before the event fills up they will have directions to get on the waiting list, make sure and sign up on the waiting list - so far anyone who has been on the waiting list and has shown up on the first day ( registration day ) of Dragweek has been allowed to enter. The waiting list participants just have to wait until all the pre-registered people are checked in ( assuming their waiting list place hasn't already been called up before Dragweek starts ). I think Hot Rod has the Dragweek rules and class descriptions linked on their website, so you can check that out now if you want. I'm hoping to be there again this year, hope to see you. Good luck.