(slightly) off topic. I remember reading about the pepper in the radiator trick from someone (several times) way back in the Slant six club of America, well one day I had been nursing a fairly small leak in an OE 65 dart radiator & I stopped by the quik shop one day on a lark & bought a tin of pepper & poured it in (some people sure gave me some funny looks) & I drove home & when I got there (a mile or two) the leak had stopped & stayed stopped for a year till another leak sprung in another location. recently I tried it again on another OE copper/brass radiator & mistakenly bought coarse ground pepper (had bigger pieces), I figured they would seal better! & the next day they had swelled so much that it immediately started to overheat & they were embedded securely in the tubes & it was a lost cause (don't remember if the leak stopped or not).

live every 24 hour block of time like it's your last day on earth