Just a guess on what will please you for driveability; it sounds like a stock configuration 10 3/4 Mopar converter, set up to act just like a factory original yet be built for the abuse a 540 can deliver is what will work well for you. I used exactly that converter behind a 535 cube wedge with a 590 cam in it, and it stalled plenty high yet was tight enough to not flash a lot higher at a light throttle application. If you take the K factor into consideration, it will give you an idea of what it will do in the car. Those converters were used behind 340s ,383s, and street hemis I believe. The stall behind a street hemi was about 2800 from what I have read, and 2400 behind a 340. That same converter stalled quite a bit higher behind my 535, like mid 3,000 or more.
A couple of things make me think this might be the right path for you. You want street drivability over ultimate performance for one. The other is street traction. A motor like that ought to be able to fry the tires at low speeds anyway, so a high stall loose converter just isn't needed much there.

8.582, 160.18 mph best, 2905 lbs 549, indy 572-13, alky