Originally Posted By Monte_Smith
From a QUALITY converter company, if they miss it badly the first time, chances are you gave them junk info. If they continually "can't get it right".......either you don't know what you want or the car is not repeatable.

GOOD converter companies use good parts and know what they are doing......BUT what they are not is mind readers, or clairvoyant. They rely on data or input that YOU give. Junk in usually results in junk out. Sometimes they also have to deal with guys who SAY what they want, but really have no clue what they NEED. It's always a fine line.

PTC is 30 minutes from me. I go there and just hang out quite a bit. The calls these guys get.........sheez, I would want to eat a bullet........LOL!!!

I agree with that. I can only imagine some of the calls these converter company's deal with sometimes. Since I dont race alot I do alot of local cruising on the weekends and meet alot of people in the hobby. And many times I laugh to myself at some of the things some of the people tell me that they feel they know about their cars. Just like a guy telling me how his buddies 71 Mustang with a 429 SCJ eng went 11.94 right off the showroom floor. I realize that when 5 guys all say a certain converter company is junk and 6 more say it the best in the world most of the time its the info they receive about the vehicle they are building the converter for thats the problem. I dont have a real race car or race as much as most but I am very happy with the two converters I have used over the years which are Dynamic and Turbo Action. Both built converters that worked just as I wanted in my cars and I would use them again in a heartbeat. Ron