Originally Posted By Thumperdart
Cool...........I know the math is pretty close but scrubbing 13+ mph just doesn't calculate in my brain............

When you scrub MPH at the top end by using the brakes big time, the car already covers 1200+ feet at full throttle, and full mph for those places on the track under full power. The mph before hitting the brakes would have been a lot higher than that in the mph lights. So the 1200 ft numbers (if there were beams there to get em) would be the same.
To see this in a much larger way, look at a top fuel time slip where the guy lifted at the 660 mark and coasted through the mph traps.

Last edited by gregsdart; 08/31/16 07:40 PM.

8..603 156 mph best, 2905 lbs 549, indy 572-13, alky