

Lets look at this another way. People die in traffic accidents every day. How often does the driver get charged with murder? Nearly always manslaughter if anything. Because there IS NO INTENT. Sure these guys were doing something illegal, but they were not TRYING to hurt anyone. Same with traffic accidents. You run a light, a sign, are speeding, reckless driving or any number of other things.........you are doing something ILLEGAL. You hurt someone else, depending on circumstances, you MAY be held accountable, but I don't recall many, if any cases where a murder conviction was handed down. It is after all an ACCIDENT.

But by California law street racing is a felony.

You sure about that? I have heard that rumor, but found nothing to back it up. All I see posted if that your first street racing conviction, you face a min of 24 hrs in jail, a max of 90 days and car impounded for 30 days