When the NHRA was founded, way back when.... their main focus was to take racing off the streets and bring it to the track where it was safe and in a controlled environment. The NHRA really has no choice in this matter but to do something such as what they are currently doing. Ignoring the activities of this show would be to bury their head in the sand. condoning it would fly in the face of why the NHRA exists. They're in a no-win situation with the fans of the show. To the guys that don't like the stance they've taken, ask yourself what else they should do? In my opinion, the only mistake they made was waiting to long to take this action. Had they taken this stand at the outset of the show, then everyone all along would have understood much better where they stood. Although I would concede that the guys on this show do a great job of being as safe as they can (I cant really figure out how they get these roads all to themselves regularly???), most that will and ARE trying to emulate the show wont be so safe. The bottom line is that it is illegal, and dangerous to way more people than just the ones in the race cars.

LemonWedge - Street heavy / Strip ready - 11.07 @ 120