

Maybe they should come out east and do some running...

Refer back to what I said about costs. They have to get through how many cars to get that money? That fuel and nitrous isn't free, right?

I think they've got a good thing going and there's no reason to mess it up just because some starched shirt opened a can of worms.

Like I said they can get side action if need be. In the last episode the dude with the truck spent a ton of money on the dyno to get it right. I doubt one night at the track is going to set them back much more.
I don't know, even if I had a fast car, I don't see myself dragging my butt out in the middle of the night to run down a narrow street w/ another car 3 feet from my door and some dude w/ a flashlight right between us. To me that doesn't describe smart or fun.
I'd much rather see those guys at a track running it the entire 1/4 mile w/o all the drama.