
So we go through this again: Twice in the same thread!

Two barrel carbs are rated at a 3 inch pressure drop across the carb. Four barrel carbs are rated at 1.5 inches of pressure drop. To convert from a two barrel rating to a four barrel rating you DIVIDE BY THE SQUARE ROOT OF TWO!!!
That's 1.414... for those who don't have a calculator with a square root key.

1350 / SQRT2 = 955cfm.

1150 / SQRT2 = 813cfm.



I never knew this. Is this a holley thing only? But I don't believe it is that simple, as an engine will have a vacuum reading (draw) all over the place.

On a large enough engine, with a big enough draw, who is to say it won't pull 3 inches? or even more? If it does that, then the 1350 capacity is now reality. I would say on a big enough engine, with cam, and high rpm, it should be possible.

So what is the point of the discussion? to talk theory, or application?

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