Started putting color on: Main idea here is to get the rear glass back in before winter, so while I would like to paint as much of the car as possible, the top is the only real area ready for it. I ran out of primer so this is all I was able to coat so far. I am doing the "Paint Job on a Budget" plan and one of the bennies of this method no worries of paint dust and wasting a lot of paint in the wind. I figure the spray bomb primer I was using negated this benefit so I'm going to roll the remainder of primer as well as the finish color. I have been following the budget paint thread for several years now and while most have had good results, I was really pleasantly surprised with how good it looks albeit this is just the first coat. I was especially surprised at how well it leveled out. At first I had a fair amount of orange peel and I expected it; the main gripe about the method from antagonists is orange peel and the required sanding and leveling. My paint was pretty self-leveling, but again, its just the first coat.


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