
When a Cam comp. states a cams Lobe Seperation Angle as in 108 , 110 , or 112, they are indeed referencing a Lobe seperation in CAM degrees

IN D50,s case he states Two numbers add those up! They will equal 216 CRANK degrees. So is his cam a 216 LSA, because in Crank degrees those lobes are indeed 216* apart

Or 108* apart in Cam degrees. The crank turns twice for every one revolution of the cam.

Lobe seperation angle is Cam degrees.

Installed Intake centerline is Crank degrees.

The Math doesnt lie, it either is or isnt.

Look at the graph I just posted... does it look like
the lobes are greater than 180* apart
The cam LSA is indeed measured on the cam itself
but in the above you add the 2 together then divide
by 2 to find the average(108 in this case)

Last edited by MR_P_BODY; 08/01/13 11:03 AM.