
Funny you say that. My experience with wide LSA cams came from my time playing with Pontiacs, hardly good cylinder head high RPM cars. This was a number of years ago but most of their cams have or had back then wide LSA's. This is what got me to thinking of trying them in a Mopar and we have been very happy with the results.

Narrow lobe center stuff sems to be way peaky to me, or at least what I have had experience with. OH yeah I think most SS stuff is going to have a wide lobe center too.

I have seen the wider LSA's have made more power and gone quicker at the track. SB Fords, Pontiacs Chevys and Mopars. They seem to spread out torque as well so from my experience I will stick with what I have seen work for me. Of course a cam is only ONE part of the equation, to make a car run good numbers it is a combination not a magic part that makes the difference.

I think it is interesting to see what kind of results people get with certain combinations. Also would be interested to see how far they went to see IF there was a gain. Or if it was simply a cam swap and nothing else.

In my case, after Scott brown specced the cam I flogged the car weekly the whole summer trying everything I could think of just to get the car to run like it had with the old cam that itself I didnt consider optimal after leaving it in after a top end swap as I detailed earlier
Initial outing with the new top end and old cam netted a 10.38, in more typical air it ran mid 10.40's
About 6 weeks Into racing season, I made the swap to the112 Scott ground up.
Car ran 60's and low 70's no matter timing, jetting, changing launch technique or shift points.
Finally it got to be late August and I decided to wait till end of season to put either another cam or my old one back in...... That night it ran its best ever lap with that 112, 10.55...... The next pass that night it blew up( broke cast stroker I was stupidly leaning on. That night would have been a 10.40-42 pass with the old cam
Car just was a dog out of the gate with that wide cam, could actually feel it in the seat, didn't need the 60/330 numbers to prove it

69 Dart GTS A4 Silver All steel, flat factory hood, 3360race weight
418 BPE factory replacement headed stroker, 565 lift solid cam
Best so far, low 10.30’s 1/4
1.41 best 60 foot
6.56 at 104.17