

... I must say I have never seen a group that is so suspicious. They think everyone that ask a question about a broadcast sheet or fender tag is up doing something shady ...

You nailed it. Although some here have accumulated fairly authoritative knowledge on this subject, the prevailing Moparts culture strongly discourages them from sharing it publicly. In their defense, they actually believe they are doing the hobby a favor by acting as self-appointed policemen, and to some degree they probably are.

But more than one thing can be true at the same time. In America, we aren't generally proactive in stopping crime -- that's what thought police do. It's like paraphrasing the popular saying, "Fender tags don't kill people, knowledge kills people." Also true -- and perhaps lying more at the root of the secrecy -- is that those who won't freely share their knowledge are in reality also meeting their own human psychological needs for power and control of others. For them, it's a win-win situation -- those who seek the secret knowledge for innocent purposes are merely collateral damage in the war against fraud and deception before it even occurs.

Your best bet is to seek this information from other sources...

after i posted about fender tag fonts, the very first reply was a bs. reply.{ see ref. to thread above] however , within 24 hrs, i had 3 emails [from very nice members] with all the info i needed . they also told me that there were plenty of those kind of people on this site.the amzing thing is ,if i wanted to fake some docs, the last thing i would do is go to a public place and talk about anything at all related to tags ect.[ESPECIALLY A MOPAR FORUM] What is even more amazing is that some of the experts here will give out the secret info if you ask properly! wow, secrets not available unless you ask the correct way! believe it or not, i do understand people fake this kind of documentation , and i can see why it makes a purist mad. I have been personally effected by the crooked -fakers- out there so I know first hand what this is all about. Bottom line... if the experts dont reply, nobody gets their secret information. problem solved. no need for judgemental replys.

Last edited by ek3; 01/08/13 11:53 PM.