
Bob, you choose to ignore legitimate questions and turn a friendly debate into rediculous rantings and personal attacks on me and my reputation doesn't deserve any further reply from me, enjoy your day!

True to your past performances nothing to back up your mouth.Crawl back in your "Rabbit Hole"This whole thread with your post should have been included in the story of "Alice in Wonderland"
You feel you need to have the last word will end nothing."Silence is golden and remember to be thought of as a fool is one thing to open your mouth will usually remove all doubt.
I have never attack you,I just told things that are real in the real world,that you choose to debate or refute me and many others was you error.I tried to keep it humorous and entertaining but you want to make it personal,so far Scott against the Mopar world,Scott-0,Mopar world-1.Stay seated in your corner and don't come out for round 2.We have all figured out your fight plan,you don't have one. And you are correct we don't need any further responce from you.To say I ignore your post is incorrect,I responded to them all and you ignore me and others.