

At the end of the day, does any of this really matter? I mean, yea its interesting from a historical standpoint (and I'm all for preserving the history and building a car as correct as possible for a nostalgia class), but these were meant to be race cars-not museum pieces. I bet if you were to go up to someone who was there and ran these cars back in the day (and I know several) and whined that their air cleaners are the wrong color, they would point and laugh at you...if you were lucky. Bob, you've probably forgotten more than most of the people here know. I would hope that people respect that. Now, since this is a RACE forum, let's stop worrying about what a car show judge will deduct points for and get back to racing.

Rant off (this is why I don't go to car shows anymore).

They were race cars. I raced the crap out of mine. Many are now museum pieces ( including mine), but I agree, this thread needs to - away.

Well this has been an interesting thread and it has almost been like a Sienfeld show about nothing really.One last thing though, just seen this picture on ebay and it is of Tom Hoover and 3 friends and they are proudly displaying a complete Max Wedge, air cleaners and all. Ebay Item number 370601894857