

After being fulley restored, it now has black air cleaner lids and bumperettes. Guy must have consulted you on the resto?

No, I didn't help them in any way with the restoration, but I did spend many hours going over it in the ICCA judging booth at the Vegas Mopars At The Strip Show.

Sadly, I was there in 09, but for Saturday only. Couldn't make it to the 2010 show. Raced there in 2011 ( of course the car wasn't there that year ) - so I haven't actually seen the car since I sold it to the second owner in 1968. Strange that the person(s) that did the restoration never tried to contact the original owner ( me), although they did contact the third owner because some of the pics that they presented at the 09 MATS show I sent to the third owner ( how I ran in to the 3rd owner is a story unto itself - totally by coincidence ). Probably a good thing that I wasn't consulted as they surely would have gotten dinged for orange air cleaner lids and no bumperettes. Wonder if they ever questioned how the damage occured to the inside of the right frame rail? I to your expertise on those early max cars Scott, but you are still wrong on those air cleaner lids.

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