


Maybe we should put an ad in 'National Inquirer'...you know,,"inquiring minds want to know.."

After a long day at the track today, our transmission broke after the 3rd time trial so Denny and I had plenty of time to discuss "Fred Chapman, CSI".

Fred, I know you stated that the engine was running at 19*s @ WOT, but how did you determine this?

The ignition is the MSD Hemi6 setup. The timing was 'locked' at 19* with a laptop. I am putting my confidence in the ability of the young man that did this, as he was the one that installed the system and did the research/study of the system. I only know as much about the system as he explained to me, but I know he did not intentionally install any type of 'timing curve' into it. Are you still thinking 'detonation'..?

The only way to know for sure is to hook up a timing light. Here's how you do it. Its crude, but it works.

Pull the #1 coil pack out. Insert spark plug wires into the boots and the other end to the plugs.

Bring the #1 up to TDC on the compression stroke.

Use a piece of wire and bolt it to the front cover and use whatever bends it takes to get it over the damper.

Use a piece of masking tape on the damper and mark TDC under the wire. I like using a dwell dial timing light for this application. Fire it up and turn the dial on the timing light while at idle and rpm. You'll then personally know whether the timing was locked or not.

Was there an A/F gauge in the car?

Jerry Williams.