
Man that sucks.
So any idea what happened?
Rod bolt failure? improper torquing? Rod failure.
Or oiing issues? Whatever it is I hope you figure it out. Matt

At this time, I am leaning toward a broken rod bolt. One bolt is a clean break, while the other one appears to have bent/broke. Also, enter into this mess, a blackened crank, that points to oil starvation. I am speculating that one bolt broke, allowed cap to start coming off and going out of round, which caused the excessive heat/blackening, the cap came clear off, piston stayed at top of cylinder and crank pin broke beam off..what ever happened, happened fast(7000+rpm) and the damage was severe. The other rods and bearings look good.
I say 'good', in as good as could be expected with all the trash floating around in the oil and crankcase.

7423401-hemidamage010.jpg (116 downloads)

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