The box went in the same way the old one came out. On removal, I noticed that my old was actually was the "Wells" unit that tested the lowest power numbers of the group.
I reduced the timing by 4 degrees and went for a drive. The car has always had a bunch of low end torque, so it is hard to tell if there are any gains from a dead stop. Anything over half throttle just blows off the tires. I still had some detonation. They state that the user may need to retard the timing 2-6 degrees. Thats fine, but by backing out the timing to avoid detonation, I'm also losing the 17 degrees of initial timing that the engine likes. To maximize the gains of this unit, I may either need higher octane gas or some distributor mods. Neither sound all that great to me. The engine runs strong, but it also did before. The rev limiter in the unit does work.
I can say that there is nothing specifically wrong with the product, but I'm not sure yet if I like it.