I'll admit that what I wrote was based on the comparisons of the extremes. the Rev box versus the Wells. The reason that I made note of it is because I actually have a no-name ECU in my car. I didn't think that there was that much of a difference in the spark box performance. After I posted this topic, I did a search and read the entire thread on this ECU in the "New products" forum. The glaring evidence of the wide gap in power in the mid rpm range seemed to be due to the inferior box pulling ignition timing out at that range. From my understanding, the Rev box, with its modern guts, eliminates the possibility of the reduction in ignition timing. That allows the engine to make more power. The averages in gains were NOT 50 HP, but more in the 10-25 HP range. It was the wide gap at the midrange that caught my eye.
I don't mean to sound like a gullible consumer, but the logic seems valid.