It never ceases to amaze me how people feel the need to bash others.
If anybody feels my testing was misleading I apologize ,that was not my intentions .
For those of you that don't know,I originally started testing the ignition boxes with a pump gas 440. That engine Had a valve head come off and take a piston and its cylinder out.

After that,I pulled the engine out of my bracket race car so I could do some more testing.
The only reason I tested a stock type ignition box was because I had heard people say they would run as well as anything else available in a post on here.
To try and please all the people that are curious,I am getting a VERY mild 360 ready to show how it responds.
But yes,I do know racers that either have,or do run the MP boxes on bracket cars,that is what the testing was aimed at.
Hopefully this will clear things up a little.