

318 magnums will make ALMOST as much power as a 360 magnum. The 318 had a better cam, more compression, and a flat top piston for better flame travel.

and stock for stock in a mid-late 90's ram, a 318 magnum can get ~19-20 or so highway MPG, while a 360 struggles to get 16.

Heh heh... and the onslaught ov ever-conflicting information marches on. I think for me its just going to come down to whatever pops up first for a good price. I'd still prefer the 360 i think. A 360 Magnum drop-in and down the road perhaps a purpose-built 318 Magnum.

Further... i phoned Keisler this morning and i dont know what they were smoking when they first started advertising that T45 'RS' kit, but they've definitely sobered up now. I swear i have an E-mail ad with a full 'RS' kit under 2K. Today i was informed it'd be very close to 4K, and i'll have to murder my T-bar crossmember and shifter hump to install it. I guess y'all were right... absolutely nothing comes out ov Keisler for under $4000.

Funny how pretty much every aftermarket 5-speed option hovers around the 4-5K mark. Its definitely a conspiracy. They are all in cahoots with the credit-card companies and big oil...

Junkyard Mickey-Mouse it is then...