In my youth (Pyro) My friend and I found a LARGE Co2
bottle the kind that Military Avaitors use in
their emergency live vests. We played w/ the Co2 from pellet guns filled them up and put fuses in the top and lit them and ran. BUT THIS ONE WAS HUGE!!!! about 7-8in long and about 1 1/2 in diameter, we filled that thing up and we were just itchin to light this thing off. We hoped in my truck ( we both came to the concensus that we probabaly DONT want to light this thing off in the city NO need for the SWAT team and the Bomb squad showin up to crash our party) and headed out for the woods.

We found a back road and went for it, we came upon an OLD washing machine The ones that have concrete in the bottoms.... PERFECT!!!! the fuse on this thing is aprox 15 minutes to get the HELL out of the area, My buddy smokes and said let me brake off the filter and light the cigerette and that gives us another 15 min.

He lights the cig and takes a puff and sticks the fuse in the end of the cig and we get in the truck and HAUL ARSE.

10 min go by

15 minutes go by gettin a little nervous

20 min still nothing we were askin our selves if we should go check if the cig went out.

25 min gettin impatent

30 min NOTHING

OK it went out, we get out wits up to go see if it indeed did go out. We just jump out off the bed of the truck. and the INSTANT our feet hit the ground......... BOOM............. We were over 100 yards away and we heard shrapnel flyin above our heads

That was our last time playin w/ explosives .............Then I joined the Marine Corps