My (former) best friend and I used to do a lot of dumb things in High School.

1. I remember going to McDonalds once and bursting out laughing when he mooned the glass with everyone inside looking. (No kids in there by the way)

2. Once we thought it would be cool to ride a push mower down a really big hill with a paved road on it. We later found out that no matter how hard you try, you can't make a push mower steer just a little to the right just by shifting your weight. Nor by grabbing the spinning wheel. You just have to hit the ditch with your freshly tire imprinted hand.

3. Had an old go kart and a good 6 foot hill at the end of my drive way. "Hey, lets get your truck and push you up the hill and see how hi you jump" Turns out a 4 cylinder Ranger is only good for a 3 foot jump. It wasn't until we got bold with my 440 charger that he jumped 5 feet and coasted 100 before he stopped. His eyes were like
I forgot to mention that there was some sort of flower planting enclosure there with 4 2x4s as post. There was probably only 3 inches of clearance on either side of the wheels.
No pressure.....

4. Then once in an astro van we thought it would be cool to exit the side door and come back in on the driver side window, after ryding on the roof for a while.. Man it's windy at 40 mph.

5. We also figured out that you could use those election signs that pollute the roadsides at election time as some cool land skis. Just hang on to the b pillar on said van. Man those sparks are bright....

6.Also learned not to have burnout contest in the parking lot 200 feet from the school. Authority figures hate that. Especially doughnuts.

7. On school spirit week, we thought it would be a good Idea to make 2 "I'm with stupid" shirts for the twins day. What we didn't plan on was the number of teachers that get mad at you when you go to the front of the class and stand beside them with afforementioned shirts on. Whoops!

8.Don't drive a car missing it's driver door when your neghbor 2 houses down has some freshly neutered dovermans. They can run fast, and if you don't fall out, they can probably jump in.

9. 4 spare tires and no jack are worthless. You sure can fit a lot of stuff in a 63 buick, jack notwithstanding. That was an exciting trip. (please see above stupid tidbit)

10. A junk 87 CRX can and will jump 5 feet at a 45mph roll. The car will hold up fine, except for the front bumper and core support. They will adapt to the crash position.

11. Rusty mufflers don't make it 2 jumps. Man thats a loud ricer.

12. Do not snatch an e brake at 65 mph and attempt one of those cool 180s. That always turns into 3 cool 180s, and will infuriate dates.

13. Same with tidbit number one.