My most recent happened about an hour ago.

I worked on my TA engine the other night and when I worked on it I put a large cushioned packing/moving blanket on the air cleaner and valve covers to put wrenches and so forth on.

Beautiful night for a short cruise and asked the next door neighbor if he wanted to go. We go out to some back roads and I pull over to switch drivers. The neighbor is now driving doing rather well. He told me he hasn't driven an older car in years. He is getting on the 4 speed pretty good, but something is not quite smelling right. We are almost home and it is starting to stink. He pulls it in the driveway and shuts it down. I get out, pop the hood and the blanket is down on the exhaust manifold and is starting to smolder. can't believe it didn't go up or get caught in the belts. Sure I can laugh now, but I almost had a bonfire TA. I'm such a knucklehead.
