I got another recent one.
I found a junk 10 gallon water tank and was going to use it for air 30psi for filling tires.
I know they take around 40-50 psi normally with water.
so i cleaned it up stood it on its end and put some air fittings on it with a mini regulator and gauge.
I connected the air line to my house supply (135psi) and expeted it to fill to 30 and stop. nope bad regulator I snagged from work.
at 50 the tank sides bulged it started to shake and I ran like hell around the house my dog at my heels.
then suddenly BOOM!!!!!.
my ears hurt. I looked back and the tank was on its way to the moon with a 100 feet vapor trail from the ground. on the grass was a 12" steel circle which was the bottom end left.
air hose tore.
I never saw wehre the tank and parts landed it was waaaay far away but hope it was not on someone.
note to self check freebie regulators first.
now I only use x propane and disposable helium tanks for air tanks.