
Not illegal, alot of these races are done on drag strips and betting large sums of money means to me,they put up where most others shut up and sit in the corner whining that they can't race against a big tire car or a chassis car or the only way they can go that fast is with boost or nitrous.Mabe a handfull of cars that are on this site would have any kind of a chance.But the rest are wanta be's. Also I love the "you only racing half a race if you race 1/8th mile tracks". Now thats funny.Most of the time the guy that says that races once a decade and brags the rest of the time. I am getting a little hungry so off to KFC.

well betting is illegal, I'm sure those guys report the winnings afterall.. not that I care, but to some it might be soemthing they'd rather not get into. And I've done 8th mile plenty, don't like it..kind of lame but if that's all you have then fine. I race as much as I can, 2 young kids w/ activities makes it hard to get to the track every week. Maybe when the kids are older...