You find out when you win and I know jeff's entry is lower but his pay is also lower too. His post made it sound like his show is going to be so much better but I raced his stuff from the start of the "chrysler Classic" and the only reason the car count was up was the show was new and the economic times were better.When he ran the cc he was a parking nazi and charged the vendors right out of the game.He started the fall of the cc events make no mistake.I am not a fan of how it is run now but I don't think jeff will be any better because the money will not be there,no money + no car count= no show. Im just calling him on blowing his gums about how his show is so much better than the Mopower stuff when his pay is not even as good as there pay.

God made cold beer,good friends,hot ladies and race cars don't spit in his face by pi$$ing and moaning about how life sucks!!!