
I have a custom bilt blinder,i can split the last bulb to see it full,half or a sliver.The last time i raced last year (night)i was picking up just a sliver of the bulb ,10runs ,worst .032 best .012 ave. .024 no red lights..If i was running super pro on this night i woulb be lucky to win a round. I was parked with 3 10.90 regulars running super pro,there combined ave was .012 over 22 runs. I can win rounds in super pro at small events, small tracks,but at a competitive race against the regular .90 boys i would be toast without a delay box. I dont know any heavy hitters out here in no box that do not blind the tree.I also agree that a good racer can win in any class and some cant win period.

I'm a box guy and there is an advantage with a box, no doubt. Taking the "if you suck, you suck" out of the equation, the box guys are usually better because of a more pure reaction leaving off the top bulb and being able to bump down. But if you chassis isn't right in a door car or dragster, RT will move around. And it's a disadvantage when you can't leave off of the opponent's tree because of the flashing dirty light. Under those circumstances I leave on the bottom and take my chances. Also shielding the 2 top bulbs was how I ran before switching to the box.