I hear ya brother..Just because you dont have a box does not mean they cannot run. We have a couple of guys here locally that run S/Pro with no box and do extremely well(Jesse Adams and Danny Cole come to mind). Both finished well up in the S/P points last year. Heck Jesse IIRC was top three in Pro and S/P.

With the changes you have had at SIR who knows what will happen. I think you may find as things unfold that you will begin to attract racers just out of curiousity. Being that it is now IHRA I think some will come just to see how thier shows are run after hearing about it from others. I know once I get relocated to Vegas I will be going down to Tucson to check it out.

As for the last part. EVERY driver I know who does well in Pro is not watching bulbs. They are all using a blinder only seeing the bottom bulb and leaving off of it. I do the saem thing when I run Pro in the other car. I dont know anyone who consistenly goes rounds who is watching all three. Just my

"I am not ashamed to confess I am ignorant of what I do not know."

"It's never wrong to do the right thing"